Let me tell you a funny story about a rabbit that found its way onto a refrigerator shelf. It all started when a lady opened her refrigerator and was surprised to see a rabbit sitting there. She asked the rabbit, “What are you doing in there?” And you won’t believe what the rabbit replied! He said, “This is a Westinghouse, isn’t it? Well, I’m westing!” It’s a clever play on words that left the lady amused.

Having a pet at home is always interesting, isn’t it? Most people have dogs or cats, but some dare to have more exotic pets, like lizards. This story involves a family who had a pet lizard, and one day, they were in for a big surprise. They thought their lizard was going into labor, and it caused quite a panic. They rushed the lizard to the veterinarian, only to discover something unexpected.

The story goes like this: One evening, just after dinner, the son came to his father, worried about one of the lizards in his room. The little lizard was lying on its back, looking sick. Concerned, the father called his wife to come and see. To their astonishment, the wife exclaimed, “She’s having babies!” The son was confused because they had named the lizards Bert and Ernie, assuming they were both boys.

Feeling a bit frustrated, the father reminded his wife that they didn’t want the lizards to reproduce. But his wife sarcastically replied, “Well, what do you want me to do, post a sign in their cage?” It turns out that it’s not easy to tell the gender of lizards, and they ended up with a surprising situation on their hands.

As the family gathered around to see what was happening, the father tried to make the best of it. He announced that they were about to witness the miracle of birth, but the kids were not too excited about it. They found it gross and wondered what they would do with a bunch of little lizard babies. However, their curiosity got the best of them, and they watched as the lizard struggled.

Realizing that something needed to be done, the father suggested taking the lizard to the vet. They rushed to the veterinarian with the son holding the cage in his lap, urging the lizard to breathe. But when they arrived, the vet had some surprising news for them.

The vet examined the lizard and revealed that the lizard was not in labor at all. In fact, the lizard was a male and what they thought was labor was actually just the lizard’s way of, well, getting excited. The vet explained that as male lizards mature, they sometimes “masturbate” in a similar way to what they had witnessed with their pet lizard.

The family was taken aback by this revelation, but eventually, they saw the humor in the situation. They thanked the vet and left, laughing about the whole experience. They realized that paying attention in biology class would have saved them from this confusion. After all, lizards lay eggs, and they don’t give birth to live babies.

So, the moral of the story is simple: Pay attention in biology class! And if you ever find a rabbit on your fridge or witness any strange behavior from your pets, don’t forget to cherish the amusing moments. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes they come from the most unexpected places.