Do you ever feel a rush of emotions when you listen to music? That’s because music has a way of speaking to us on a level that goes beyond our conscious awareness. It can make us smile, cry, feel brave, and be introspective. Music has the power to touch our souls and make things better. Just ask Lindon Beckford, a patient transporter at Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

From a young age, Beckford has used his voice to connect with others and bring comfort to those around him. Singing has always been his way of making the world a little bit more bearable. And now, he’s found a way to incorporate his love for music into his work.

Every day, as he transports patients through the hospital, Beckford serenades them with his soothing voice. He has spent over 30 years at the hospital, perfecting his methods for calming worried patients. Depending on the conversation he hears or the patient’s needs, Beckford chooses the perfect song to ease their anxiety or relieve their pain. And the response he receives is incredible.

Patients are not only comforted by Beckford’s singing but also inspired to join in harmonies with him. It’s a beautiful moment of connection in the midst of uncertainty and fear. For these patients, Beckford’s voice is a reassuring companion that reminds them everything will be okay.

Watch the video below to experience Beckford’s incredible singing talent:

Lindon Beckford, we salute you! Your dedication to bringing comfort and joy to the patients you care for is truly remarkable. Let’s join together in spreading the word about this amazing patient transporter and his uplifting voice.