Life has a way of taking us on unexpected journeys, and even well-known television personalities like Frank Fritz aren’t immune to the hardships it can bring. Today, we delve into Frank’s heartbreaking story, filled with love, betrayal, and the resilience to overcome.

A Tale of Love and Betrayal

Frank Fritz’s life took a turn when he met Diann Bankson, his longtime partner. They shared a love that seemed unbreakable, but personal troubles eventually drove them apart. The pain of their separation left an indelible mark on both of them.

Frank, the beloved host of “American Pickers,” first laid eyes on Diann when he was just 25 years old. Their relationship had its ups and downs, but in 2017, they became engaged. The couple even purchased a charming farmhouse in Iowa in 2018 and moved in together a year later.

Sadly, their romance came to a devastating end in November of that year when Bankson walked in on Frank with another woman. The betrayal hit Frank hard, but in the face of heartbreak, he still desired to marry her.

“I had plans to marry her, I bought a house, and an expensive ring,” Frank shared, even though he had discovered that Bankson had been seeing someone else for the past 2.5 years. “She is the cheater,” he said, revealing that he got a tattoo as a constant reminder to not repeat past mistakes. This betrayal also took a toll on Frank’s finances.

To cope with his broken heart, Frank turned to alcohol, using it as his way of dealing with the pain. This led to a significant weight loss as he poured his efforts into drowning his sorrows. “I gave it my all,” Frank admitted. “I tried to drown her in alcohol.”

In addition to dealing with the emotional aftermath of his failed relationship, Frank also found himself without a job due to the divorce. According to the Sun, he would no longer be hosting “American Pickers” on the History Channel after March 2020.

A Road to Recovery

Amidst his personal struggles, Frank’s health became a concern. He underwent back surgery, which caused him to take a hiatus from the show. However, he expressed his desire to return once he had fully recovered. “Now that I’ve fully recovered, I’m ready to return to the program,” Frank shared.

While there were no concrete plans for Frank’s return to the show, he mentioned that a showrunner had assured him of his comeback. Unfortunately, TMZ reported that despite Frank’s ten-year tenure on the show, there were no immediate plans for him to return as a host.

As Frank faced setbacks in both his personal and professional life, his former partner Diann Bankson moved on and revealed her new love, Eric Longlett, an engineering administration manager. Bankson expressed her happiness in a social media post, gushing about their experiences together. Love, it seemed, had found her again.

A Battle for Recovery

On July 4, 2022, Frank Fritz suffered a stroke and was rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, a friend discovered him and promptly called for assistance. While his friend was uncertain if it was a seizure, the urgency of the situation was clear.

News of his hospitalization spread, and reporters reached out to his father, Bill Fritz, for an update. Bill confirmed that Frank was doing well and making progress every day. However, his rehabilitation didn’t go as smoothly as expected. After being discharged from the hospital, Frank needed to be placed under guardianship and sent to a nursing home.

On August 18, 2022, a “longtime friend” of Frank’s sought emergency appointment and was granted temporary guardianship and conservatorship on his behalf, according to rumors.

This friend became Frank’s guardian, responsible for managing his finances, while a bank was appointed as his conservator. Ensuring his care facility payments, health insurance, and daily expenses were taken care of fell under the bank’s purview. Transportation for activities and medical appointments became their responsibility as well.

In this new arrangement, Frank’s guardian had to submit an initial care plan, make decisions about his living situation, health care needs, and encourage his participation in activities. Maintaining communication with his family members and any potential romantic interests also became part of their duties. Additionally, an annual report would need to be provided.

Documents revealed the severity of Frank’s condition, showing that he was unable to make crucial financial decisions or communicate effectively. His road to recovery would require continued support until he regained the ability to receive necessary treatment and manage his affairs independently.

The Road Ahead

The court’s decision to appoint a guardian and conservator for Frank was necessary to protect his health and prevent immediate harm. Our hearts go out to Frank Fritz, and we send our best wishes for his health, recovery, and resilience in facing the challenges that lie ahead.

Please share this story with your friends and family, so they too can learn about the journey of their favorite TV show’s host and join us in praying for his recovery.