'Relationship Expert' Wants Parents To Get Baby's Consent Before Changing A Nappy

We all know that everyone has opinions, and sometimes they can be quite unusual. Thanks to the Internet, these opinions can gain a lot of attention. One such opinion gaining traction is the idea that parents should ask for a baby’s permission before changing their diapers.

Deanne Carson, a self-proclaimed relationship expert and sexuality educator, recently suggested this unique approach. While consent is an important topic, many parents find the idea of asking a baby for permission unrealistic and unnecessary. After all, changing diapers is an essential part of keeping our children happy and healthy.

Carson’s argument is that introducing the concept of consent at an early age will set the foundation for a culture of consent in the home. She believes that even babies, who cannot verbally respond, can communicate through nonverbal cues such as eye contact.

However, many parents and reporters have expressed skepticism and raised practical concerns. What would happen if the baby said no? It’s clear that in situations where a baby’s nappy needs changing, the responsibility falls on the adult to take charge. Babies rely on their caregivers for their well-being, and it’s important that their needs are met promptly.

Ultimately, while the idea of teaching consent from a young age is important, it’s crucial to strike a balance between respecting a baby’s autonomy and ensuring their basic needs are met. Parents should use their judgment and focus on creating a safe and nurturing environment for their little ones.