If you have children, you know how challenging it can be to help them with their homework, especially when it comes to math. Even if we struggled with math ourselves, we want to support our kids in the best way possible. But sometimes, we come across math questions that stump us all.

Math has changed since our school days, which can make it even more difficult to understand how to solve certain problems. And that’s why a math question from an elementary school student went viral on social media in June 2023.

At first glance, the question seemed straightforward, but little did we know that it would spark a heated debate among adults. The question required us to think between the lines, adding an extra layer of complexity.

Most people believed that the answer was option D, which indicated 12:03. They thought it was the closest time to the specific time of day. However, some argued that the question asked for the closest time to rather than until the target time at night.

While creative thinking is great, math is supposed to be logical. This question truly tested our understanding of how to interpret instructions. Many parents found themselves caught up in the ongoing debate around this question.

But here’s the thing: there isn’t just one right answer. Some argued that an answer before midnight would be the best choice, while others believed that the closest time, even if it was after midnight, was acceptable.


What was your answer? Share your thoughts and join the discussion. Math may be challenging, but it’s always fascinating to see how different perspectives can shape our understanding of a simple question.