Do you enjoy playing the game of “would you rather?” You know, the one where you come up with crazy scenarios and choose the lesser of two evils? Well, there’s one object that has probably never come up in those conversations – no matter how long they go on for. And yet, it’s perhaps the most dangerous object on the planet. Just five minutes in a room with it could kill you in just two days.

Pretty dramatic, right? And with a name like the “Elephant’s Foot,” it’s certainly not something we should be messing around with.

According to scientists, even a mere 30 seconds of exposure to the Elephant’s Foot can cause dizziness and fatigue. Two minutes and your cells will start to hemorrhage. Four minutes and you’ll experience vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. And if you stay in its presence for a full 300 seconds, you’ll have just two days to live.

But what is this dangerous object and where can you find it? Surprise, surprise, it’s located in the basement of Pripyat, Ukraine – the site of the infamous Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the 1980s.

The Elephant’s Foot is essentially a big black mass of dangerous waste, known to be potentially the most hazardous piece of waste in the world. During the emergency response to the Chernobyl disaster, rescue teams ventured into a steam corridor beneath the failed reactor number 4 and stumbled upon this horrifying sight. They found black lava that had oozed out directly from the core.