It’s often said that sharing is caring, but let’s be real: some things are best kept private. We’ve all had those moments of neighborly generosity—extending a little hospitality, whether it’s a barbecue invite or sharing a pumpkin pie recipe. But then, there are those who believe your generosity should come with an open-door (or in this case, open-pool) policy.

Enter our hero of the day—a modest man who learned the hard way what happens when boundaries become murkier than an uncleaned pool. Buckle up for this ride as we dive into the Reddit post that set the internet ablaze.

This all starts like one of those idyllic suburban stories where everyone smiles at each other and exchanges freshly baked cookies. Our man and his fiancée moved to a small, friendly neighborhood filled with the comforting sounds of children playing and birds chirping. They decided a pool would be the perfect addition, especially with their plans to have their own little splashers soon.

One would think adding a pool to your backyard is a gesture of joy. But oh, how quickly joy can turn to drama. This man soon realized that his act of kindness would lead him into a saga worthy of its own reality TV show.

At first, everything was smooth sailing. The kids in the neighborhood loved the pool, and he laid down one simple rule: no dogs. For obvious reasons, you’d think that would be easy to follow, right?

Fast forward a year, and the waters became choppy. The neighborhood kids made a habit of using the pool, even when the man and his fiancée were away. One time, after returning from a trip, he discovered the water level in the pool was mysteriously low.

“When I checked, I found a ‘good-sized tear’ on one side,” he recounted. They could’ve probably used a Labrador retriever to help him sniff out who did it—but oh wait, the plot thickens! The very next day, these kids showed up again, Lab in tow, requesting another round of pool time. Our man wasn’t having any of it; he’d just repaired the pool and firmly said no.

As if this wasn’t enough, imagine coming home to find your fiancée locked in a heated debate with your neighbor. Apparently, the denial of pool access was akin to committing a cardinal sin. The neighbors furiously contested his decision, demanding that the pool be reopened so their little ones could frolic in its chlorinated waters once more.

Now, our pool-protector turned to the internet, seeking wisdom from Reddit on whether he was indeed the villain in this neighborhood drama. Spoiler alert: the Reddit community had his back. Variations of “You’re not wrong!” echoed through the comments, with some users even educating him about the “attractive nuisance” law—a legal term essentially saying he’s well within his rights not to let the neighborhood’s kiddie brigade trample through his yard.

So, what’s the moral of this splashing tale? Setting boundaries is essential, even if it makes you the temporary villain in the eyes of your neighbors’ kids. Protect your pool, protect your sanity, and maybe consider installing a high fence while you’re at it.

In the end, let’s learn to swim our own lanes, shall we?