Yesterday, I had a chance encounter with an old high school friend, Ross. I barely recognized him – he was dirty, dejected, and wearing tattered clothes with no shoes. He approached me and asked for $20, but I decided to give him $50 instead. His gratitude was overwhelming, and he looked at me with a grateful smile.

“Do you remember me?” Ross asked, catching me off guard. It suddenly hit me – we were classmates in high school. I remembered the times when we fought, but also when Ross protected me from harm. I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to him.

With a heavy heart, Ross began to share his story. He confessed to joining a gang, engaging in destructive habits like smoking and drinking, and abandoning three pregnant women. He revealed his encounters with the law, spending time in jail multiple times. His relationships with his children were broken, and he even contemplated suicide. Now, he found himself begging for food and drink.

As I listened, a mix of sadness and reflection engulfed me. I acknowledged the tragic turn Ross’s life had taken. But despite his circumstances, he expressed gratitude for having food for the day and bid me to take care of myself. He left, walking away unsteadily.

On my drive home, I couldn’t help but question why our lives had turned out so differently despite coming from similar circumstances and possibilities. And then it hit me – the difference lay in our upbringing, or rather, the presence of my parents in my life.

I realized how fortunate I was to have had the “worst” father and mother in the world. They set rules, imposed schedules, and ensured consequences for not meeting deadlines. Meanwhile, Ross was allowed to roam freely, playing and doing whatever he pleased. Skipping school had no repercussions for him, but for me, even being late or missing school entirely would lead to discipline. He had the freedom to speak disrespectfully, smoke, and eat whatever he desired, while I was subjected to vegetable soup and strict dietary norms.

Speaking up or responding inappropriately? A stern rebuke and a disappointed look. Mom and Dad, I am forever grateful for you both.

Ross’s life is not reflective of his potential, but rather of the absence of loving and strict parents. This encounter made me realize the incredible impact parents have on shaping a child’s future. Today, I thank God for blessing me with parents who lovingly guided and disciplined me. Mom and Dad, you will always hold a special place in my heart.

So, what can we do to change this broken world? The answer lies in education – empowering and educating our children. By providing them with a strong foundation, filled with love, discipline, and guidance, we can help them navigate life’s challenges and make better choices.

Let us remember the power we hold as parents, guardians, and educators. Together, let’s shape a brighter future by nurturing and educating the next generation.