Paul Harvey made this forecast in 1965. Now hear His Terrifying Words…

In 1965, renowned radio commentator Paul Harvey shared a prophetic broadcast warning that reached nearly 24 million people each week. Little did anyone know that his words, spoken 53 years ago, would come to pass with such accuracy. The chilling impact of his message still resonates today.

In 1965, An Unforgettable Warning Was Broadcasted For All To Hear. 51 Yrs Later, It’s Come True In 1965, An Unforgettable Warning Was Broadcasted For All To Hear. 51 Yrs Later, It’s Come True

Paul Harvey begins his “prophesy” with the statement: “If I were the Devil…” He proceeds to discuss various issues that are relevant to our current times. It is truly remarkable how accurate his predictions were 54 years ago.

“If I were the Prince of Darkness, I would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I’d have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree. So I should set about, however necessary, to take over the United States.”

Paul Harvey’s words echo the treacherous path that society has taken since his broadcast. It’s as if he had foreseen the state of the world today. He cautions about the erosion of values and the manipulative tactics used to deceive us.

He describes how whispers of doubt and skepticism would infiltrate our minds, planting seeds of disbelief in the young, making them question the existence of God. These whispers would also encourage complacency and discourage extreme beliefs or moral conduct.

Not only that, but society would also be seduced by entertainment and materialism, leading to an obsession with pleasure-seeking and a disregard for the important things in life. Narcotics, alcohol, and prescription pills would be peddled, further numbing and dividing us.

Education, intended to enlighten young minds, is falling short in emotional development. Our intellects may soar, but our emotions are left to run wild. The influence of religion would dwindle as psychology takes its place, and science would be idolized.

Paul Harvey’s warning extends to the erosion of traditional values, where holidays like Easter and Christmas lose their true meanings and become symbols of consumerism. The incentive of the ambitious would be killed, and a sinister police state would force everyone into relentless work.

In this frightening narrative, families would be separated, children forced into uniform, women subjected to dangerous labor, and objectors imprisoned in slave-labor camps. It is a grim depiction, but one that rings eerily true in many aspects of our society today.

Listening to Paul Harvey’s speech from the past reminds us of the importance of recognizing the challenges we face. It reminds us to question the direction in which our world is heading and to reassess our values. His words serve as a wake-up call to protect what truly matters and to ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

Listen to Paul Harvey's Speech

Take a moment to listen to the wise words of Paul Harvey in the video below. Let us know your thoughts and reflections on his prophetic message.