Imagine walking down the road, completely unaware of the dangers lurking around you. That’s exactly what happened to a woman who narrowly escaped a disastrous fate thanks to her guardian angel.

As she strolled along, a mysterious voice cried out, commanding her to halt. Startled, she froze in her tracks, just in time to avoid a rain of bricks that cascaded down in the very spot she would have been standing.

Thinking it was a figment of her imagination, she continued on her way. But then, once again, the voice resounded through the air, warning her against taking another step. She heeded the message and seconds later, a car whizzed past her, missing her by mere inches.

In that moment, she realized that there was something extraordinary at play. The voice, now identifying itself as her guardian angel, assured her of its existence and its purpose – to protect her from harm. Eagerly, the woman seized the opportunity to ask her guardian angel a burning question.

“Where were you on my wedding day?” she enthusiastically exclaimed.