Toys are a nostalgic part of the holiday season, bringing back memories of childhood joy and wonder. But have you ever imagined what would happen if those toys came to life and put on a breathtaking performance? The world-renowned dance troupe, The Rockettes, have taken this concept to a whole new level with their mesmerizing toy soldier routine.

In this dance routine, the dancers don elaborate toy soldier costumes, complete with tall feathery hats, as they line up and shuffle in perfect unison. As the music plays, they part into two lines, facing each other and marching towards the other side before seamlessly merging back together. This synchronized movement is a testament to the incredible skill and precision of The Rockettes.

But the routine doesn’t stop there. The dancers then form small groupings and move to the front of the stage, turning and spinning in captivating formations. They march back onto the stage in two lines and, as everyone lines up again, they break into a star formation, parading across the stage while the audience’s applause fills the air.

As the dancers break apart, they add their own unique flourishes, bending, spinning, and saluting in perfect unison. They then line up once more, and with the music picking up speed, they march just a little bit quicker, impressing the crowd with their synchronized movements.

And just when you think you’ve seen it all, a snare drum rolls, revealing a toy soldier manning a cannon at the end of the stage. With a “Boom” flag unfurled, the dancers remain in formation as one by one, they fall backward, catching each other in a perfectly choreographed domino effect.

This incredible move, which The Rockettes have been performing since 1933, showcases the power of teamwork. Director and Choreographer Julie Branam explains the technique behind the fall, emphasizing the importance of perfect alignment between the dancers. It starts with one dancer rocking back on their heels, raising their hands and sliding them through the arms of the dancer behind them. The dancers’ feet must be completely lined up to ensure a safe and synchronized fall.

The finale of the routine leaves the audience in awe as the soldiers sit up and salute, acknowledging the thunderous applause. The Rockettes’ toy soldier routine is a testament to the magic of the holiday season and the incredible talent of these performers.

So this holiday season, immerse yourself in the enchantment of The Rockettes’ toy soldier routine. Let their synchronized movements and captivating performance transport you to a world where toys truly do come to life.