Why you should always put a coin in the freezer before you leave home

Have you ever come back home after a long trip only to find that the digital clock on your kitchen appliances has reset? Chances are, you experienced a power outage while you were away. But how do you know how long the power was out and if your food is still safe to eat?

One smart homeowner named Sheila Pulanco Russell shared a fantastic tip on her Facebook page, and it’s been a game-changer for many people. This trick will not only put your mind at ease about the condition of your frozen food but also prove to be handy during extended periods away from home.

The best part? You only need three common items that you probably already have in your house: a cup, a coin, and some tap water.

In a Facebook post that quickly went viral, Sheila shared her simple yet effective method. Here’s what she said:

“For those of you who are evacuating or leaving your homes for any reason, I have a great tip for you. It’s called the one cup tip. All you have to do is fill a cup with water and put it in your freezer. Once frozen, place a quarter on top of the ice and leave it in the freezer. When you return, you can easily determine if your food has thawed and refrozen or if it stayed frozen while you were away.

If the quarter has fallen to the bottom of the cup, it means that all your food defrosted, and it’s safer to throw it out. But if the quarter is on the top or in the middle of the cup, your food should still be okay to consume. This tip is useful not only during evacuations but also in case of a power outage.

If you have any doubts about the safety of your food, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and throw it out. Remember, the most important thing is to keep everyone safe.”

Make sure to share this amazing tip with your loved ones. It might just save someone’s life!

coin in cup
cup in freezer
food safety tip