After six years of struggling to become pregnant, a 26-year-old woman finally received the news she had been eagerly waiting for. Excited to share this life-changing moment with her partner on his 30th birthday, she never expected the shocking response she would receive. This is her story.

A Longing for a Family

The woman and her partner had been together for ten years, and the topic of starting a family had been a frequent discussion between them. They dreamed of the joy and fulfillment that parenthood would bring, and after years of unsuccessful attempts, the news of her pregnancy filled the woman’s heart with pure happiness.

A Missed Connection

On the morning of her partner’s birthday, the woman had a doctor’s appointment. Feeling ill for a few days, she couldn’t help but think about her partner’s celebration while sitting in the waiting room. Little did she know that this appointment would change everything. As her doctor examined her, the truth was revealed – she was pregnant.

A Misunderstood Surprise

Thrilled with the news, the woman couldn’t wait to surprise her partner. However, upon returning home, she found him deeply engrossed in a conversation with one of her friends. Wanting a private moment to share her excitement, she pulled him aside and shared the life-changing news. But instead of embracing the joyous moment, her partner had an unexpected and violent response.

He declared that his birthday was supposed to be about him and accused her of spoiling his day. In disbelief, the woman couldn’t contain her happiness and shared the news with everyone present, despite her partner’s request to wait. This marked the beginning of a series of events that would change the course of their relationship.

A Heartbreaking Turn of Events

The woman took to Reddit to share her heartache after her partner abruptly broke up with her. Ten days later, he returned with an admission – he had been involved with another woman. To make matters worse, he made an offer to do anything to convince her to abort their child. However, the strong-willed woman refused to compromise her beliefs.

He then gave her a mere two weeks to find a new place to live. As if this ordeal wasn’t enough, the woman revealed that her partner had also prevented her from attending college because it was too far away from their home. These revelations shed light on a toxic dynamic that had long been hidden beneath the surface.

Finding Strength Within

While the woman endured criticism and disbelief from those around her, she found the strength to stand up for herself. This life-altering experience taught her the importance of self-worth and refusing to be a doormat for others to walk over. Though some may find it unsettling that she has changed from the “lovely innocent” person they once knew, she knows that her personal growth is a necessary step towards a brighter future.

Internet Support

Through her brave post on Reddit, the woman found solace and support from the online community. Most Redditors sympathized with her and placed the blame on her partner. They believed that he had no right to act as though he desired a child with her, only to betray her trust and offer ultimatums.

This emotional rollercoaster showcases the resilience of the human spirit in the face of heartbreak and turmoil. It serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always the potential for healing and personal growth.