Liliana’s story is nothing short of a miracle. As a teenager from Arizona, she faced a life-threatening allergic reaction after trying drugs for the first time. Her brain and heart stopped working, causing her to enter the afterlife and experience something truly extraordinary. Now, she wants to share her story and encourage others to appreciate the precious gift of life.

The Teen Who Died And Came Back To Life Wants Everyone To Know What It Was Like

In her first TikTok video about her near-death experience, which has already been viewed over five million times, Liliana candidly reveals, “Okay, so I’ve died before. Let me just tell you what’s true and not true.” Despite the intensity of her experience, she is determined to shed light on what she witnessed.

During her journey, Liliana discovered that certain desires faded away, but her ability to think remained intact to some extent. As her senses gradually disappeared, she vividly recalls that her sight was the first to go, followed by touch. However, her hearing continued to be present, providing a peculiar connection to the world.

She explains, “You leave your body, but it’s not like hovering over everyone and observing the situation. It’s like becoming another being. I can’t f**king describe it. The light part is true.” Liliana’s words captivate the audience, as she tries to convey the indescribable essence of her transcendent experience.

This near-death encounter occurred when Liliana, as a high school sophomore, smoked marijuana for the first time in 2018. Ignoring the warnings from her loved ones, she took a reckless risk that almost cost her life. After just one hit, she immediately started losing control of her cognitive abilities. Confusion and disorientation took over, and she eventually passed out on the floor, completely unaware of her surroundings.

Paramedics rushed to the scene, fighting to revive her. Liliana could hear their efforts to bring her back from the brink of death, but she had no control over her own body. It was then that she entered a tunnel—an ethereal passage that gradually transformed into a radiant white light.

At the end of this otherworldly tunnel, Liliana felt as though she left her body and returned “back to the source.” Contrary to certain beliefs or expectations, she did not encounter God or witness anything resembling heaven or hell. Instead, she emphasizes the presence of a universal energy—a source that transcends human understanding.

“There’s a lot of spinning and some shapes,” Liliana shares, attempting to describe the indescribable. “It is scary, but in the last stages, you feel nothing—no fear, happiness, or sadness. You become another source of energy, detached from human thoughts. It’s really hard to picture without experiencing it, but it felt like an eternity.”

Eventually, the paramedics managed to induce her to vomit, allowing her to breathe once again. As she regained her breath, Liliana returned from the realm of the departed. Her allergic reaction to marijuana was so severe that she lost consciousness after just half a hit.

Taking a moment to clarify any misconceptions, Liliana admits, “I didn’t ingest anything near enough to get high or experience hallucinations. I wasn’t breathing, and I didn’t have a heartbeat.” Her experience was a testament to the fragility of life and the profound impact even a small action can have on our existence.

While Liliana still believes in God following her near-death experience, she no longer subscribes to man-made interpretations found in certain religious institutions. Her journey beyond death has led her to a deeper understanding of spirituality and the interconnectedness of all energy.

Liliana’s story is a wake-up call—an invitation for us all to appreciate the beauty and fragility of life. It reminds us to cherish every moment, to love wholeheartedly, and to embrace the gift of existence.