In a heartbreaking tale of tragedy and misguided beliefs, a father’s extreme lifestyle experiment resulted in the death of his newborn son. Maxim Lyutyi, a 44-year-old Russian man, and his partner Oxana Mironova, aged 34, made a fatal decision to starve their less than one-month-old baby.

Kosmos, in an attempt to prove that he could survive solely on sunlight. This inhumane act led to the baby’s untimely demise from pneumonia and emaciation, leaving a deep sense of sorrow in its wake.

Maxim Lyutyi now faces the grim reality of potentially spending up to eight years in jail and paying a substantial fine for intentionally causing grievous bodily harm. During his final court appearance before the sentencing, Lyutyi confessed his guilt. At first, he tried to shift the blame onto Mironova, who has already been given a non-custodial sentence of two years’ correctional labor.

Lyutyi’s extreme lifestyle choices, which included highly restrictive diets and the belief in prana-eating (sustaining oneself solely on sunlight), played a significant role in this tragedy. His unwavering advocacy for such practices led him to prohibit Mironova from breastfeeding their child, as he firmly believed in the power of sunlight sustenance.

A family insider revealed that Lyutyi’s intention was to experiment on the child and then promote this dangerous practice to others. Beyond dietary preferences, Lyutyi was accused of running a “sect” by Mironova’s mother, who also mentioned his coercive control over her daughter. Unfortunately, despite the concerns raised by her family, Mironova remained trapped in Lyutyi’s grip, living as a compliant “slave.”

Relatives shared heartbreaking stories of Mironova’s fear of Lyutyi and her desperate attempts to secretly breastfeed their baby. Olesya Nikolayeva, Mironova’s cousin, lamented the situation, questioning how it was possible to nourish a baby with sunlight alone when what they truly needed was their mother’s milk.

As Kosmos weakened without proper nourishment, the couple eventually sought medical help, albeit too late. The doctors’ efforts could not reverse the devastating effects of severe malnourishment on the infant.

Oxana’s mother expressed her distress, recounting her futile attempts to support her daughter financially while witnessing the tragic events unfold. She revealed that Lyutyi forbid Mironova from feeding the child, forcing her to secretly buy baby food. This highlights the extent of Lyutyi’s controlling behavior.

In a dramatic courtroom scene, the once-ardent advocate for extreme lifestyle choices now finds himself confined and facing the consequences of his misguided beliefs. Meanwhile, Mironova, convicted of her involvement in the infant’s death, also awaits her punishment.

The tragic tale of Maxim Lyutyi and Oxana Mironova serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of fanaticism and the devastating consequences of neglecting a vulnerable child’s most fundamental needs. As the court pronounces its verdict, the memory of baby Kosmos lingers—a poignant reminder of the tragic price paid for misguided convictions.