If you have a dog in your life, then you already know the incredible bond that can be formed with these amazing creatures. It’s not just their unwavering loyalty, but also their unique personalities that make them so special.

Dogs can have a range of different temperaments, from calm and laid-back to energetic and excitable. And then, there are those dogs who seem to be deep thinkers. The dog in the video below definitely falls into that category.

One thing that becomes clear when you have a dog is that they want to be with you all the time. They don’t like it when you leave, even if it’s just for a few minutes to check the mail. They eagerly await your return, sitting by the door with anticipation.

But sometimes, circumstances require us to be away from our furry friends for an extended period of time. This can happen when we go on vacation and can’t take our pets with us. That’s exactly what happened to Hannibal, the boxer in this story.

Hannibal was left at the Dogwoods Canine Play and Stay in Olympia, Washington while his human went on vacation. When his human came back after being gone for a week, Hannibal wasn’t exactly thrilled to see him.

While most dogs would be jumping for joy at the sight of their human after being apart for so long, Hannibal had a different reaction. He simply stared at his human and gave him the side-eye, clearly expressing his displeasure.

You don’t need to look twice to understand what Hannibal is thinking. In that moment, he was absolutely disgusted with his human, and he wanted everyone to know it. His facial expression says it all.

To fully appreciate Hannibal’s reaction, watch the video below. It’s truly a testament to the unique personalities dogs possess, and how deeply they feel their emotions.