Remembering the Emotional Impact of the 9/11 Attacks

It’s been more than two decades since the devastating terrorist attacks of 9/11, but the memories of that day still resonate deeply within us. The emotions we felt during that difficult time are something we will never forget.

In the aftermath of 9/11, many people found solace in honoring the lives lost in the attacks. One company that embraced this sentiment was Budweiser, who created a commercial that touched the hearts of many.

The advertisement begins with the iconic Clydesdales, majestic horses, galloping through a picturesque field. They are seen getting ready to pull a wagon, embarking on a journey that would lead them to a significant destination.

As the Clydesdales make their way through the countryside, they eventually arrive at a cityscape and cross the Brooklyn Bridge, entering New York City. The familiar silhouette of the city’s skyline comes into view, and the horses bow in a solemn tribute to those who were lost.

This powerful commercial was aired only once during the Super Bowl, but we have the full version here for you to watch. It serves as a poignant reminder of the unity and resilience that emerged in the face of tragedy.