It is with heavy hearts that we share the heartbreaking news of a tragic incident that unfolded at a convent in Michigan. Thirteen beloved sisters from the Felician Sisters Convent lost their lives to the unforgiving grasp of the Coronavirus. Their passing serves as a somber reminder of the devastation caused by this global pandemic.

A Grim Sight

In a harrowing turn of events, most of the sisters succumbed to the virus within the same month they were infected. The world stood in shock and mourned the loss of these remarkable women, aged between 69 to 99 years, who were an integral part of the Congregation of the Sisters of St Felix of Cantalice.

Devastating Loss

Situated in Livonia, Michigan, the convent shared a deep bond with the Roman Catholic community. The sisters who passed away left behind a void that can never be filled. Not only were they cherished authors, dedicated teachers, and even a secretary of the Vatican Secretariat, but they were also pillars of strength within their congregation.

Unifying in Spirit

Despite the tragedy that befell them, the surviving sisters exhibited unwavering bravery and unity. Their families attested to the unbreakable bond they shared, forged through prayer, work, and living together. Their story resonated across the nation and brought attention to the vulnerability of the elderly in the face of this relentless virus.

A Century Apart

This heart-wrenching incident stands as the most devastating calamity in the women’s religious community since the 1918 influenza crisis. It serves as a stark reminder that a century has passed without witnessing such a tragedy. The fact that convents are usually situated in secluded areas raises questions about how the virus managed to infiltrate their sacred grounds.

Mistakes Made

Investigations later revealed that two aides unintentionally brought the virus into the convent. It was discovered that their body temperatures were not checked upon entering the church, an oversight that proved to be disastrous. The virus spread swiftly among the sisters, claiming one life after another until all thirteen had succumbed.

Enduring Grief

The surviving sisters faced the arduous task of grieving while adhering to government regulations and minimizing the risk of further infections. The emotional toll was immense, and the gravity of this tragedy was aptly articulated by the Director of Clinical Health Services, Noel Marie Gabriel.

A Period of Sorrow

Between April 10 and May 10, these remarkable women bid farewell to this mortal realm, one after another. The final sister passed away on June 27, signifying the end of an agonizing chapter in the lives of those who loved and admired them.

In Remembrance

The Felician Sisters will forever be remembered for their unwavering faith, love, and selflessness. As the world continues to battle this unprecedented pandemic, their story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of staying vigilant, protecting the vulnerable, and cherishing our loved ones. Let us honor their memory by embracing the lessons they teach us and wearing masks to protect ourselves and those around us.