This Venmo Mom Doesn’t Want To Volunteer At School — She’d Rather Foot The Bill

Picture this: The school year is kicking off, and you’re bombarded with a tsunami of notifications about sports sign-ups, PTA meetings, and volunteer opportunities. If your idea of a nightmare involves being sucked into the black hole of school fundraising events, then let me introduce you to a modern-day superhero — the Venmo mom!

Out of the Meetings and Into the Wallet

Meet @nealfamilychaos, a TikTok mom who has no qualms about skipping the PTO meetings and room mom duties. Instead, she prefers to contribute where it might matter most — by sending cash via Venmo. “I don’t want to be on PTO, PTA, room mom, team mom. I don’t want to do any of that,” she declares with the sort of confidence that has us all nodding in solidarity.

Is pouring money rather than effort a sin? We think not. @nealfamilychaos paints a hilariously honest picture of the pressures and judgements that come with school volunteering. “Meet the Teacher is super stressful because I do not want to be involved at all,” she explains. “I know they’re judging me because I’m not raising my hand, but I don’t want to do all that extra stuff.”

From Guilt To Glory

While she openly addresses her aversion to in-person volunteering, she is more than happy to support financially. “If the room mom needs money for everyone to participate. Fine. I’ll Venmo money right over … I even told one of the coaches today that I am a Venmo mom.”

Her unapologetic stance has resonated with a lot of other parents on TikTok, sparking a wave of comments from others who would rather write a check than bake for the bake sale.

One teacher commented, “Ma’am, I’m a teacher and don’t want to be involved in meet the teacher. 🤣🤣🤣🤣” A few comments further validate this sentiment: “As a room mom, I love Venmo moms,” and “I’ll literally pay for the entire event, just don’t make me actually go 😂,” capturing the communal sigh of relief that someone is finally saying it out loud.

The Community Speaks

“As a teacher, you would be one of my favorite parents. The room moms I’ve had are often so snobby and gossipy. I would’ve just liked you and only you. 💜💜” one parent praises. Ah, validation never felt so good!

Another Venmo mom chimes in, “There is a place for everyone. I’ve done all of the things and none of the things, send funds, and toss that guilt. I send the snacks mom 😉.” Precisely! Whether you’re providing the funds or baking the cookies, you’re all making the school’s world go round.

@nealfamilychaos made a sequel video that gained even more traction, where she expressed her gratitude to all those who share her perspective. “I’m glad that I found other women that are like me, other moms that are like me, that are just like, ‘Take my money, please don’t ask me to do anything more than that.’”

Raising Kids, Funding Events, and Ditching the Guilt

“We’re super involved in cheerleading and football and baseball and school. I mean, involved as in like, my kids play those activities and I’ve been with all those moms, but you know what I mean,” she clarifies. “So thank you to all of those moms that like doing that because you do make it special for the kids and you put a lot of effort and time in and you are appreciated on my end, on my kids end.”

So, if you’re one of those parents pressured into helping at the school but crumbling inside at the thought, take heart. There’s a whole underground network of Venmo moms just like you, ready to fund the next bake sale, book fair, or field trip — one guilt-free dollar at a time.