Four Older Ladies Sat Around The Clubhouse.

After a fun round of golf, four lovely ladies gathered in the clubhouse for a friendly chat. Curious about their game, a regular golf pro approached them and asked about their rounds.

“How did your game go?” he inquired.

The first lady proudly shared, “I had a good round! In fact, I had 25 riders!”

The golf pro, puzzled by the term “riders,” couldn’t help but wonder what it meant. Before he could ask, the second lady chimed in, saying, “I had a very good round too, with 16 riders!”

Now the golf pro was even more intrigued. The third lady shared that her round was just average, with only 10 riders. Finally, the fourth lady admitted, “I had the worst round of the day, with only 2 riders.”

Perplexed, the golf pro decided to find out the true meaning behind “riders.” He didn’t want to appear uninformed, so he politely excused himself and turned to the bartender for answers.

Approaching the bartender, he whispered, “Hey, can you shed some light on what these ladies mean when they talk about ‘riders’?”

With a knowing smile, the bartender replied, “A ‘rider’ is when you hit a shot so well that you can ride on the golf cart all the way to your ball!”

The golf pro couldn’t help but chuckle at the clever terminology used by the ladies. With newfound understanding, he returned to his work, content in having learned something new from his charming customers.

Even on the golf course, there’s always something to surprise and entertain us. Remember, it’s the moments we share and the laughter we enjoy that truly make the game special, regardless of our score. So, next time you’re out on the green, keep an ear out for any amusing golf lingo—there’s always a story waiting to be told!