When dining at a restaurant in the United States, leaving a tip for your server is expected and greatly appreciated. While not mandatory, tipping has become a common practice that helps support servers financially. Some may see tipping as an inconvenience, but if restaurants were to increase server wages, it’s likely that customers would have to bear the burden of higher food prices.

Determining an appropriate tip amount can be subjective, but a good standard is generally considered to be around 18%. Of course, there are customers who may choose to tip less or even opt not to tip at all, depending on their satisfaction with the service provided.

Recently, a server on TikTok aired their frustrations about customers who tip less than 20%, labeling them as “lousy tippers”. They stressed that leaving a $5 tip for a bill exceeding $200 is not considered adequate. The server also shared tips on how to calculate an appropriate tip.

While some people agreed with the server’s sentiments, others felt their approach was too extreme. One person mentioned that they give generous tips out of their own choice but were still put off by the server’s comments. Another individual criticized servers for having a sense of entitlement, pointing out that inflation affects everyone.

The issue of tipping at restaurants remains a subject of ongoing discussion, with perspectives varying among servers and customers alike. Understanding the importance of tipping and considering the convenience it brings to those who serve us can foster a better relationship between diners and servers.