“To This Day We All Worship Him”: 36 Stories Of People Who Just Didn’t Give A Damn

Being nonchalant is like a superpower in a world where everyone is preoccupied with what other people think. It’s challenging not to get overly anxious or overthink everything, but some people have managed to break free from these social chains. The people featured in these stories exemplify this carefree attitude. As you read about them, perhaps you’ll feel inspired to care less about societal judgments and live your life more freely.

One of my favorite stories involves a girl who worked at a country club. For several years, Mia had been promised a promotion that never came. Tired and disillusioned after dealing with numerous demanding brides, she finally had enough during a particularly stressful wedding.

The bride was yelling at Mia over water temperature. Despite Mia’s explanation that she had followed the bride’s specific instructions, the bride continued to berate her. That’s when Mia snapped, calling out the bride’s behavior and even the color scheme of the wedding. Mia left the job right there, and she now works at a college. I miss her.

Another story involves a guy at McDonald’s during a lunch rush. A would-be robber walked in to demand money. Incredibly, the manager told the robber he was too busy, took the next person’s order, and the robber left empty-handed.

Then there was a humbling moment during a company meeting where an arrogant boss tried to push the blame for a costly mistake onto his department. A low-level engineer calmly announced he had evidence showing it was the boss’s error—right in front of the company’s executives. The boss was left speechless.

According to some surveys, people spend over six years of their lives worrying about others’ opinions. That’s why these stories are so refreshing; seeing people live life unapologetically is inspiring.

Like the time my dad, who owned an automotive garage, dealt with a persistently complaining customer. After giving the customer a refund but keeping the broken parts, my mom walked out and smashed the headlamps that the customer wanted back. She didn’t bat an eye, and the customer left furious but empty-handed.

Or the classic story of a McDonald’s manager who, when asked to fetch his manager for a customer, simply spun around and said, “They said no.” The customer was left completely bewildered, and it’s one of those small acts of defiance that feels so satisfying.

Another gem involves a teacher, who upon finding his students had flipped their desks to face the back of the classroom as a prank, simply moved his own desk and continued teaching as if nothing had happened. Now that’s adaptability!

All these stories share a common thread: the people involved chose to live authentically, even if it meant breaking norms or societal expectations. This level of nonchalance in the face of adversity is a good reminder that it’s okay to prioritize our own well-being and happiness over the opinions of others.

“Caring about (listening and respecting) people’s opinions is different from letting their opinions control your decisions and feelings,” explains Sarah Arnold-Hall, a high-performance coach interviewed by Bored Panda. “I absolutely care what my partner, my family, and my friends think about what I do. But they don’t get to call the shots, ever.”

In a pre-kindergarten classroom, the teacher witnessed a moment of pure defiance when one student silently selected a play area already occupied by other children, provoking a loud outcry from another child who wanted the same area. The teacher was quietly amused, acknowledging that sometimes even kids draw their own lines.

Even family disputes can lead to some amusing moments of nonchalance. One person recalled how their mother bluntly told her sister that she wouldn’t attend her rushed wedding—promising instead to attend the next one. And she did, multiple times over the years, as the rushed weddings kept rolling in.

Ultimately, these stories show that while it’s impossible to be entirely free of societal judgments, we can take steps to prioritize our happiness and well-being without being paralyzed by the fear of what others might think.

So next time you find yourself worrying about how others will judge you, remember these stories. Perhaps they’ll inspire you to live more authentically and care a little less about societal expectations.

Have you ever done something without giving a damn about the consequences? Feel free to share your story!

Then why even bother going to school?

Or that brave person who left a company in an unforgettable way by CC’ing their entire department in a rage-quit email.