Tom Hanks, the beloved American actor, recently caused concern among his fans when footage emerged of him struggling to control the shaking of his arm. This led to speculation about his health, with people worried that he might be dealing with a serious condition like Parkinson’s. However, Hanks has been actively promoting his new movie, a biopic of Elvis directed by Baz Luhrmann, in which he plays the role of the singer’s manager.

Watch This Tom Hanks Video Closely, And You’ll See Why His Fans Are Concerned

Luhrmann, originally from Sydney, Australia, chose to film the Elvis movie in Brisbane. To celebrate the film’s release, the premiere took place along the beautiful Gold Coast of Australia, just fifty miles away from Brisbane. Hanks attended the premiere on June 4, 2022, alongside the film’s star, Austin Butler, who impressively portrays the King of Rock and Roll.

Addressing the crowd at the premiere, Hanks expressed his love for the Gold Coast, calling it the best place in the world to make a motion picture. However, some fans noticed that he appeared to be shaking while holding the microphone, leading to concerns about his health. Despite the shaking, Hanks continued to deliver his speech with enthusiasm, showcasing his professionalism.

During his speech, Hanks mentioned his experiences filming in various locations around the world but highlighted the unique charm of the Gold Coast. He even made a playful reference to Dan Murphy’s, an Australian liquor store chain, which earned him applause from the audience. Throughout his speech, Hanks struggled to control the shaking of his right hand, occasionally steadying it with his left hand or switching hands to alleviate the intensity of the tremors.

While some fans on social media were worried about Hanks’s apparent health problem, the audience at the premiere seemed oblivious to it. Hanks himself has not made any public statements regarding his shaking hand. Following the Australian premiere, he returned to the United States in time for another premiere at Graceland in Tennessee on June 11, 2022.

At the Graceland premiere, Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis’s daughter, commended Luhrmann and Butler for their outstanding work in portraying her father. She mentioned her memories of her father’s energy and vibe and praised Austin Butler for perfectly capturing those qualities in his performance.

Tom Hanks’s dedication to promoting his film despite his health concerns is a testament to his professionalism and love for his craft. His fans eagerly await his future projects and wish him all the best for his health and happiness.