We all know that accidents happen, but sometimes a tragedy occurs that leaves us shocked and questioning how it could have happened. This was the case for 23-year-old Colin Scott who lost his life after falling into a hot spring while visiting Yellowstone National Park.

Colin and his sister, visiting from Portland, were out exploring the park when the incident occurred. They were on a leisurely walk, searching for a natural thermal hot spring to enjoy, something commonly referred to as “hot potting.” Little did they know that this innocent adventure would end in tragedy.

According to Colin’s sister, they ventured away from the designated boardwalk near the Pork Chop Geyser to check the temperature of one of the pools. It was during this moment that Colin accidentally slipped and fell into the scalding water.

Authorities later discovered Colin’s body floating on the surface of the pool and managed to recover it. Colin’s sister had captured the incident on her phone, but the video has not been released due to its graphic nature.

Deputy Chief Ranger Lorant Veress emphasized the extreme danger of the area they were visiting, the Norris Geyser basin. This region is home to acidic and boiling waters, which pose a significant risk to visitors. To ensure the safety of both individuals and the park’s resources, this area is restricted,

In this tragic event, Colin and his sister had ventured beyond the boardwalk and proceeded a few hundred feet up a hill to reach an area where they could soak in the hot spring. Little did they know that the temperatures in this particular spring reached up to a scorching 400°, capable of dissolving flesh. The Ranger reported that a significant amount of dissolving had indeed occurred.

Sadly, over the years, more than 20 people have lost their lives due to accidents in the geothermal pools, geysers, and hot springs within Yellowstone National Park. Despite the relatively small number relative to the park’s vast number of visitors, each of these incidents is a devastating loss.

Visiting Yellowstone National Park is a remarkable experience, but it is vital to always prioritize safety and adhere to designated areas to prevent accidents such as this.