Actress Silvina Luna’s untimely death has left the entertainment world in mourning. Luna, aged 43, passed away due to complications arising from a botched buttocks lift surgery she underwent in 2011. This devastating news highlights the need for action to prevent such tragedies from recurring.

The ill-fated surgery took place in June or July of 2011 and involved the injection of polymethylmethacrylate, a banned substance in Argentina. This transparent and rigid plastic is typically used as a glass substitute in various products. The consequences of this procedure reverberated through Luna’s life, leading to a series of health challenges.

In 2015, Luna developed kidney stones, which ultimately resulted in a diagnosis of renal insufficiency and hypercalcemia. Luna’s condition deteriorated, necessitating weekly dialysis treatments while she awaited a kidney transplant. Despite seeking treatment to address the initial surgery’s complications, Luna’s health battles persisted.

In a desperate attempt for relief, Luna sought treatment from Dr. Cristian Pérez in Miami in 2016. The Argentine surgeon successfully removed the harmful substance from her buttocks. However, Luna had already developed an autoimmune disease due to the medications and surgeries. Severe kidney failure often leads to fatal outcomes like Luna’s.

Throughout her difficult journey, Luna’s health continued to decline. Hospitalized since June 13, 2023, Luna’s condition worsened when doctors detected a bacterial infection. Ultimately, her brother made the heart-wrenching decision to disconnect her from a ventilator, bringing her battle to an end.

Luna’s tragic story sheds light on the dangers of cosmetic surgeries performed by unqualified professionals and the dire consequences they can have on individuals’ lives. Tragically, her story mirrors that of Mariano Caprarola, another victim of kidney failure resulting from a buttocks surgery performed by the same surgeon.

The surgeon in question, Aníbal Lotocki, has faced multiple malpractice lawsuits, including one filed by Luna and three other women. In February 2022, he was sentenced to four years in prison, and his medical license was revoked for five years. Yet, Lotocki remained free while awaiting a review of his punishment.

Following Luna’s passing, the Buenos Aires Attorney General’s Office has initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding her death. A thorough autopsy will seek to shed light on the exact causes and contributing factors of this heartbreaking loss.

Silvina Luna’s tragic death serves as a sobering reminder of the risks associated with cosmetic surgeries and the importance of stringent regulations in the medical field. It underscores the need for individuals to carefully consider the potential consequences of elective procedures and for authorities to address the dangers posed by unscrupulous practitioners. May Luna’s battle inspire a wake-up call for society, ensuring that such tragic incidents do not recur.