A heartbreaking tragedy occurred at Yellowstone National Park, one of the country’s most popular tourist spots, when a woman unintentionally captured the horrifying moment her brother slipped and fell into a scorching hot spring on June 7, 2016. The incident serves as a grim reminder of the dangers present in the park’s thermal features.

Colin Scott, a 23-year-old from Oregon, and his sister Sable disregarded park regulations and ventured into the restricted Porkchop Geyser area, where they intended to “hot pot” – a practice that involves swimming in the park’s thermal features and is considered illegal. Unfortunately, their outing took a tragic turn when Colin slipped and tumbled into the boiling pool after checking the water temperature, as reported by The Guardian.

Sable, who was filming their adventure, witnessed the horrifying incident as her brother fell into the scalding water. She immediately ran to a nearby museum to inform the park authorities, but when she returned, it was too late. All that remained in the hot spring were Colin’s head, upper torso, and hands.

Due to the volatile nature of the thermal area and an approaching lightning storm, park officials were unable to safely recover Colin’s body. When they returned the next day, his body had completely disappeared, leaving behind only his wallet and flip-flops. Experts believe that the extreme heat and acidic nature of the hot spring likely dissolved his remains overnight.

This incident serves as a somber reminder of the unforgiving environment that exists within Yellowstone National Park. The Norris Geyser Basin, where the tragic accident occurred, is not only a geothermally active area but also sits on the edge of the Yellowstone caldera, a supervolcano that has the potential for a cataclysmic explosion. The park authorities have enforced closures in certain areas to ensure visitor safety.

While the video footage of the incident has never been released to the public, it remains on file with the police as a reminder of the dangers posed by the park’s thermal features. It is crucial for visitors to adhere to park regulations and respect the natural wonders of Yellowstone to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.