Imagine living in an extraordinary home that stands out from the crowd – a home that is not only unique but also filled with character and charm. Jo Ann Ussery, a woman with an adventurous spirit, did just that. She took an old Boeing 727 airliner and turned it into a stunning residence that captured the world’s attention.

An Adventurous Journey Begins

Jo Ann Ussery’s remarkable story began in the early 2000s when she purchased a retired Boeing 727 plane. Instead of scrapping the aircraft, she saw its potential as a home and embarked on an ambitious endeavor to transform it into a place she could truly call her own.

From Airplane to Dream Home

Jo Ann’s dedication and passion drove her to meticulously design and restore the interior of the Boeing 727. Inside the aircraft’s cabins, she created a warm and unique living space that showcased her creativity and vision. It wasn’t an easy task, but Jo Ann’s unwavering determination paid off in the end.

A Monument to Ingenuity

Today, Jo Ann Ussery’s Boeing 727 residence stands as a testament to her singular vision and perseverance. Nestled in the woods, this one-of-a-kind home has garnered international attention and praise. It represents the power of thinking outside the box and finding innovative housing solutions.

Following Your Dreams

Jo Ann’s inspiring journey serves as a beacon of hope for anyone with a desire or passion. It shows that with dedication and ingenuity, no dream is too big. Her story reminds us that the sky is truly the limit when it comes to turning aspirations into reality.

A Second Chance for Jo Ann Ussery

Jo Ann’s journey began as a widow with limited funds, searching for a new home after her house in Benoit, Mississippi was destroyed in 1993. She considered buying a trailer, but it wouldn’t accommodate her large family. That’s when her in-law, Bob, an air traffic controller, suggested an unconventional idea – living on a plane.

Love at First Sight

Intrigued by the notion, Jo Ann went to see a disassembled Boeing 727. It was love at first sight, and she purchased it for the unbelievably low price of $2,000, shipping included. She affectionately named her new home “Little Trump” after discovering that Donald Trump also owned a private Boeing 727.

The Transformation Journey

With a budget of less than $30,000, Jo Ann began the challenging task of transforming the plane into a functional and comfortable living space. To ensure stability during the renovations, she placed the plane on her property, overlooking a picturesque lake.

Comfort and Beauty Above the Clouds

Jo Ann wasted no time in revamping the interior of her unique home. Despite the non-functioning windows, the presence of air conditioning made this issue inconsequential. She created three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and even a laundry facility within the plane.

One of the most impressive transformations was the makeover of the cockpit into a luxurious master bathroom with a soaking tub. The layout was carefully designed to give users a sense of floating while enjoying the breathtaking view of the lake.

A Home of Dreams and Inspiration

Jo Ann Ussery lived happily aboard her converted airplane from 1995 to 1999. Eventually, she made the decision to turn it into a public museum. Sadly, during the process of relocating it for display, the plane slipped off the carriage and disintegrated. Despite this setback, Jo Ann’s ingenuity and determination left an indelible mark on the world of unique housing.

Jo Ann Ussery’s story is a testament to the power of dreams, creativity, and the courage to pursue the extraordinary. It’s a reminder that no matter your age, it’s never too late to embark on an adventure and make your dreams come true. So, what is your dream?