Ali C. Lopez, a transgender influencer, recently gained attention after appearing on a dating and relationships podcast. In an interview with Fox News Digital, she shared her thoughts on society’s sensitivity and the changing perception of masculinity.

Ali C. Lopez

For Lopez, the sudden internet fame has been a surreal experience. She describes it as an “out-of-body experience,” acknowledging the rollercoaster of emotions that come with it. “There’s good, bad, exciting, nervous. It’s just all over the place,” Lopez confessed.

Lopez’s journey into the spotlight began when she appeared on the podcast “Whatever,” known for its passionate debates on feminism, traditional values, and gender roles. Little did she know that her appearance would make her the subject of a meme that poked fun at her.

In her conversation with Fox News, Lopez shed light on the challenges of dating in the modern age, particularly her concerns about the declining perception of masculinity. She expressed her desire to find a partner who embodies traditional masculine qualities, such as being able to fix a flat tire. However, she noted that finding individuals with these qualities has become increasingly challenging.

Lopez emphasized the importance of men stepping up and embracing their roles as providers and protectors in relationships. She observed a growing trend where some men expect women to take on more responsibilities while contributing less themselves. Lopez advocates for a more balanced approach, suggesting that couples should aim for a 50/50 contribution in sharing expenses and responsibilities.

One notable moment that brought Lopez internet fame was her candid response when asked to rate her own attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10 during an episode of “Whatever.” Without hesitation, she confidently stated, “[I’m] a fat f—ing ten.” This moment led to her being affectionately referred to as “Gorlock the Destroyer” in a popular meme that garnered millions of views on TikTok and YouTube Shorts.

Reflecting on the nickname “Gorlock the Destroyer,” Lopez admits to having mixed feelings about it. There are days when she finds it bothersome, but she has also contemplated embracing it. Her willingness to engage in discussions about gender identity sets her apart from some of her Gen Z peers who may shy away from such conversations. She believes that as long as there is mutual respect, topics like transgenderism should be open for peaceful discussion.

Patience is one of Lopez’s key values, and she wishes that people exercised more of it, especially when discussing sensitive issues. She desires both sides of a conversation to approach differences with patience and understanding, rather than immediately resorting to labeling or name-calling.

Regarding generational differences in attitudes towards transgender issues, Lopez emphasizes the importance of understanding that older generations may not share the same perspectives due to their upbringing in a less accepting society. She encourages young people to give their parents a break and focus on fostering love and acceptance rather than seeking full understanding.

Lopez concludes by addressing the increasing sensitivity of society and the need for individuals to let minor issues slide as long as there is no direct hostility. She underscores the importance of providing understanding and support, particularly to parents who may be navigating unfamiliar terrain in today’s more inclusive world.

In the end, Ali C. Lopez’s journey from obscurity to internet fame has allowed her to share her perspective on a wide range of issues, from masculinity and relationships to tolerance and understanding. Her story serves as a reminder that open and respectful dialogue can bridge gaps and foster empathy in a society that is becoming increasingly diverse and interconnected.