Matthew Perry was not just an actor, but a man who strived to be good and make a positive impact on the lives of others. Despite his own ups and downs, he always extended a helping hand to those struggling with addiction. His commitment to helping others led him to create the Perry House, a sober-living facility for men in Malibu. Additionally, he wrote the play The End of Longing, which served as a personal message to the world about his own struggles with alcoholism.

Matthew knew that when he passed away, people would remember him for his role in the iconic TV show Friends. While he appreciated the recognition for his acting, he hoped that his efforts to help others would be given equal importance. Matthew believed that his true accomplishments were the ways in which he reached out to those in need.

Matthew Perry’s legacy is not just about his on-screen success, but the compassion and support he offered to others. His dedication to making a difference in the lives of those battling addiction will always be remembered and cherished. We honor Matthew Perry for the impact he made and the lives he touched. May he finally find peace.