Can you imagine the horror of stepping onto a plane, looking forward to a smooth journey, only to find your seats covered in vomit residue? This nightmarish scenario became a reality for two women on an Air Canada flight from Las Vegas to Montreal on August 26. The incident caused quite a commotion, leaving passengers and crew bewildered.

The Unpleasant Prelude

The distressing situation began with the aftermath of a previous flight, where a passenger fell ill and vomited in the seating area. Despite the airline’s efforts to quickly clean up the mess, the smell and visible remnants of vomit still lingered on the plane. This unfortunate circumstance set the stage for the discomfort that awaited passengers on the subsequent flight.

To try and mitigate the lingering stench, Air Canada staff resorted to unconventional measures. They sprayed perfume and placed coffee grounds in the seat pouches to mask the odor. Sadly, these efforts proved to be insufficient as the pungent smell persisted.

A Flight Filled with Discontent

The two passengers at the center of this incident found themselves seated in these less-than-ideal conditions. Their chairs and seatbelts were still wet with vomit residue, making it impossible to ignore the issue. Understandably, they raised their concerns with the flight attendants, highlighting the appalling state of their seats.

However, their complaints were met with a disheartening response from the crew. The flight attendants claimed there was nothing more they could do as the flight was completely full with no alternative seats available.

The Pilot’s Unexpected Intervention

Frustrated by the lack of assistance from the airline, the two passengers continued to voice their concerns. At this point, the pilot himself made an appearance, descending from the cockpit to address the distressed passengers. He presented them with a startling ultimatum: either leave the plane voluntarily and arrange alternative flights at their own expense or face being escorted off the plane by security and placed on a no-fly list.

The passengers were left shocked and perplexed by this sudden turn of events. They insisted that they had not been rude to the flight attendants. On the contrary, they had simply expressed their dissatisfaction with the appalling conditions they were expected to endure for the five-hour flight.

The Public Outcry

The incident quickly gained public attention, with numerous witnesses on board the flight supporting the ejected passengers’ claims of not being rude. They had merely voiced their concerns about sitting in vomit-covered seats for an extended duration.

Susan Benson, one of the witnesses, took to social media to share the ordeal. She emphasized that the airline’s attempts to mask the odor with coffee grounds and perfume had proven ineffective, further aggravating the passengers’ discomfort.

The Airline’s Response

In response to the incident, Air Canada issued a statement acknowledging that the passengers had not received the expected standard of care. They apologized to the affected passengers and admitted that their internal procedures had not been followed correctly in this instance.

The airline reassured the public that they were reviewing the matter internally and maintaining communication with the affected passengers to address their concerns.

Public Reactions and Concerns

The incident on this Air Canada flight sparked outrage among the general public. Many individuals expressed their concerns about the handling of the situation and the potential health risks posed by forcing passengers to sit in unsanitary conditions. Some questioned why the flight wasn’t delayed to allow for a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the affected areas.

There were also calls for greater accountability, with some suggesting that the airline should have been better prepared to handle such situations, treating them as biohazardous events.


The shocking incident on the Air Canada flight serves as a stark reminder of the importance of passenger well-being and the need for airlines to have proper protocols in place for handling challenging situations. It also highlights the power of social media in bringing such issues to light and driving conversations about passenger rights and airline responsibilities. This incident will undoubtedly continue to be discussed and scrutinized within the aviation industry.