Unemployed dad with face tattoo rejects 45 job offers since going viral with desperate work plea

Mark Cropp, a 19-year-old father from New Zealand, made headlines when his plea for work went viral. With the word ‘DEVAST8’ tattooed across his face, he took to social media to ask for a chance at employment. Within hours, he received an overwhelming response and turned down 45 job offers. However, he hasn’t started working yet, as he is waiting for the right opportunity to come along. Despite the numerous offers, some requiring him to have his own transportation, he still struggles to find a job due to his face tattoos.

Cropp explains that he will need help getting to the work site until he can afford a car. He remains optimistic about finding the right job while being mindful of the challenges his tattoos present. The tattoos, designed by his brother during a night of drinking home brew in jail, were meant to make him ‘look tough’ during his time behind bars. Although he initially taped a picture of his face tattoo inside an envelope for his partner to see, she has grown to like it and can’t imagine him without it. However, Cropp has decided to have the tattoo removed for a better future and to be a role model for his family.

The process of removing the tattoo is not easy, and Cropp knows it will be painful. He explains that the tattoo holds sentimental value, as his brother did it for him, but he is determined to move forward. The face tattoo was an impulsive decision that surprised his family, who were devastated upon seeing it. However, he is looking to change the course of his life and hopes to leave the past behind, both figuratively and literally.

Cropp reflects on the mistakes he made in the past and acknowledges that judging someone based on their facial tattoos is unfair. He understands that unless he takes action, people will continue to judge him solely based on his appearance. Despite the initial laughter he faced when asking for work, he remains hopeful and determined to find a job that suits him. In the meantime, he has been offered laser therapy to remove the tattoo and will soon begin his first session.

Mark Cropp’s story serves as a reminder to look beyond appearances and give everyone a fair chance. While his face tattoos may evoke curiosity and judgment, it is important to remember that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to prove themselves.