Can you imagine having hair so long that it brushes the ground behind you? Meet Alia Nasyrova, the “real-life Rapunzel” who has captured the hearts of many with her incredible 90-inch hair. Alia’s journey to achieve this extraordinary hair length has spanned two decades of dedication and love for luxurious, flowing locks.

Embracing the Long Hair Dream

Alia, a Latvian-born beauty, has always been enchanted by fairy tale heroines and their breathtaking long hair. From childhood dreams to her favorite stories, she admired their flowing locks. Today, she proudly declares herself the “Queen of super long hair” and works as a hair model, showcasing her extraordinary asset for all to admire.

A Hair Care Regimen Fit for Royalty

Maintaining hair of such length requires utmost care and dedication, turning it into a full-time job for Alia. She meticulously ensures that her hair remains healthy and beautiful. Her daily routine involves an hour of gentle washing and an entire day dedicated to air drying. When she steps out, she carries a special bag filled with 22 pounds of essential liquids, including shampoo, conditioner, and other hair accessories.

Alia’s commitment goes beyond just washing and drying. To keep her hair in top shape, she even performs exercises on a yoga mat. Her husband, Ivan Balaban, is captivated by her gorgeous dark locks and actively avoids causing any damage. He treats her hair with respect and gives it the space it needs for flourishing beauty.

Extraordinary Beauty, Extraordinary Challenges

Having hair that sweeps the ground behind you is no easy feat. Alia recalls an incident from her childhood when someone accidentally left gum in her hair during a theater performance, resulting in a hair emergency. Resolving the issue meant sacrificing a clump of hair, as it had become too entangled to save. Such incidents serve as a reminder of the challenges that accompany having extremely long hair.

It’s worth noting that Alia does not currently hold the record for the longest hair. That honor belongs to China’s Xie Qiuping, who began growing her hair in 1973 at the age of 13. According to the Guinness World Records, Xie’s hair stretches an astonishing 18 feet 5 inches, almost as long as an adult male giraffe!

Admiring Dedication and Perseverance

Maintaining hair of such length is undoubtedly a remarkable feat. We salute Alia Nasyrova for her perseverance and unwavering commitment to cultivating her gorgeous long locks. It takes immense dedication to achieve and maintain such extraordinary hair length. For those of us who already find hair maintenance challenging enough, Alia’s story can only be marvelled at.

Now, what do you think of hair that is so long? Can you imagine managing it, or do you prefer your hair shorter and easier to handle? Let us know!