Vaping, once thought to be a safer alternative to smoking, has proven to be a risky habit for many. One such case is that of Hannah Roth, a 30-year-old mother from Newport, Tennessee who found herself with the lungs of an 80-year-old after taking up vaping. What started as a way to combat lockdown stress quickly escalated into an addiction, with Hannah vaping every hour of the day.

After four years of vaping, Hannah began to experience alarming symptoms. She noticed cold chills and even heard a popping sound every time she took a breath. Concerned, she sought medical help and was initially diagnosed with the flu. However, her condition worsened, leading to a visit to the hospital where doctors discovered an obstruction in her right lung. Shockingly, they revealed that her lung deterioration was similar to that of a heavy smoker.

The doctor asked Hannah a crucial question: if she vaped. Upon confirming her vaping habit, the doctor explained that the vapour from the e-cigarettes was directly damaging her lungs. He warned her that if she continued vaping, she would be at risk of serious consequences, even death. Hannah was devastated to learn that her lungs resembled those of an elderly person, despite her never having been a smoker.

Fortunately, Hannah made the decision to quit vaping immediately. Her doctor assured her that with this choice, her lungs had the potential to heal. Although she still experiences cravings for vaping, she manages them by chewing gum, ultimately feeling healthier and saving money in the process.

Hannah’s story serves as a powerful reminder that vaping is not a harmless activity, especially for non-smokers. Even those who believe they have control over their vaping habits can unknowingly put their health at risk. So, if you’re considering vaping or already engaged in this habit, take Hannah’s advice to heart: don’t vape, don’t pick it up, and hit it.