Have you ever thought about the ethics of wearing vintage fur? Vegan artist Alexandra Yvette has, and her recent experience in New York City ignited a heated debate on the subject. Let’s dive into her story and the arguments both for and against wearing old fur in the fashion world.

Alexandra, known for her vegan lifestyle and popular TikTok content, found herself in a surprising situation recently. She was denied entry to a speakeasy bar in New York City simply because she was wearing a vintage mink fur coat from the 1930s. She shared the incident in a viral 59-second TikTok video, which has sparked a discussion about the ethics of wearing fur.

The video has been viewed over 375,000 times, and it’s clear that people have strong opinions on the matter. Alexandra humorously expressed her surprise, stating, “I guess I didn’t get the memo that wearing fur in New York is really offensive.” This incident left her questioning her own moral stance and led to a broader discussion about the ethics and sustainability of fashion choices.

As a self-proclaimed vegan, Alexandra believes that repurposing and wearing vintage fur is ethically acceptable. She argues that it prevents the fur from going to waste and eliminates the need to buy new faux fur items. While she acknowledges that not everyone agrees with her perspective, she personally finds it morally justified. Alexandra made it clear that she would never purchase a new fur coat.

However, the doorman at the speakeasy remained firm in his decision to deny her entry solely based on her fur coat. This incident sparked a passionate debate on social media, with people sharing their own stories and opinions. Many defended Alexandra, stating that wearing vintage fur is more ethical than letting it go to waste or buying new faux fur products.

Some argued that vintage fur is a better choice because it already exists and reusing it reduces waste. They shared their experiences of shifting their mindset about fur and leather after being committed vegans for years. Others reassured Alexandra, emphasizing that wearing a vintage fur coat is perfectly fine considering the vast amount of clothing that ends up in landfills.

Although some people supported Alexandra, others pointed out that bars, clubs, and speakeasies in New York City often have dress codes. Therefore, her rejection wasn’t necessarily related to the ethics of fur but rather to the establishment’s policies. It became evident that this incident raised complex questions about ethics, sustainability, and fashion choices.

In conclusion, Alexandra Yvette’s experience at a New York speakeasy has sparked a passionate debate about the ethics of vintage fur. While some argue it is a more ethical choice than faux fur, others defend establishment dress codes. This incident reminds us that fashion choices can be deeply personal and evoke strong reactions, even in a time where ethical and sustainable fashion is in the spotlight.