It’s hard to believe that it’s been so many years since the tragic events of 9/11. The anniversary always brings up a flood of emotions and leaves our hearts heavy. On this solemn day, we want to share a powerful and heartwrenching ad with you.

This Budweiser commercial, which aired only once, is guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings. The ad features the iconic Clydesdales, paying tribute to the memory of those who lost their lives on that fateful day. Picture a serene field where horses gallop freely, getting ready for their important task. They are meticulously prepared with their equipment before pulling a wagon away from a barn. They embark on a journey, traveling on a snow-covered road while people watch in awe.

The scene cuts to the bustling city, with the majestic horses walking over the Brooklyn Bridge towards New York City, the skyline in the distance. The camera zooms in on the face of one of these magnificent creatures, capturing the raw emotion in its eyes. As the camera pans out, we see the Statue of Liberty standing tall in the background. The music soars, and the horses bow down, paying their respects, before the scene fades to black.

This incredibly moving commercial aired during Super Bowl XXXVI on February 3, 2002, but it has immortalized on the internet and resurfaces every year on this somber anniversary. The creative team at Anheuser-Busch had to overcome various challenges to bring this ad to life. They needed approval from members of Congress, the advertising community, and even New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani.

Filming this ad was no small feat. They shot in New York City when the wounds were still fresh and emotions ran high. The team was granted access to the city, becoming the only film company allowed in the airspace right after 9/11. They flew a helicopter over the Brooklyn Bridge and captured the Clydesdales coming into Battery Park. Bob Lachky, the former executive vice president of Anheuser-Busch Global Creative, described the experience as “amazing… just amazing.”

As a tribute to the tenth anniversary of the attacks, an updated version of the ad aired on September 11, 2011. Since then, countless individuals have expressed their heartfelt responses to the commercial on YouTube. People were deeply moved, leaving comments such as, “They really should air this EVERY 9/11 without editing a single thing!,” “Still brings tears to my eyes,” and “We must NEVER forget! How touching. I’m sitting here crying at my desk right now.”

Some even shared their personal experiences and memories from that tragic day. One person shared the ongoing impact it has on their life, saying, “I still can’t get past it. I lost so many friends that terrible day. It stays with me like a sickness… each year come August, it starts to creep into my consciousness… and doesn’t leave until a week after the day. Thank you Budweiser for this moving tribute… Please everyone, take a moment, remember those lost, and those fallen from the FDNY/NYPD who so bravely faced certain death, to try and save others.”

Another commenter was fortunate enough to be present during the filming of the final scenes and described the overwhelming emotions. The tribute was so powerful that it brought tears to everyone’s eyes. One individual was so profoundly affected that they had difficulty breathing and required some oxygen and a Bud Light to calm their emotions.

This Budweiser commercial serves as a reminder of the resilience and unity that emerged from the tragedy of 9/11. It captures the essence of the day and pays tribute to the lives lost in a truly touching way.