Social media has become an influential force in our lives, documenting everything from our gym workouts to our exotic vacations. One of the many events that social media has transformed is weddings. Today, couples go all out, not only for the sake of their social media profiles but also to stand out with unique and extravagant themes.

For Shreya Munot of Aurangabad, India, having a lavish wedding was a dream come true. With a billionaire businessman father, Manoj Munot, she had all the resources to make her dream a reality. Manoj had saved a staggering $11 million specifically for his daughter’s wedding day. However, upon reflection, he decided to use a portion of that money for a greater cause – providing housing for the homeless.

Manoj, one of India’s wealthiest individuals, focused on reselling wheat and cloth and was a renowned financial expert. While Shreya never insisted on an extravagant wedding, her father had saved an incredible 70-80 lakhs ($11 million) for the occasion. Nevertheless, Shreya was pleasantly surprised when her father told her he had changed his mind.

In India, there is a significant shortage of suitable housing for the poor, with many living in makeshift slums. Mumbai, the capital city of Maharashtra and India’s largest city, is home to Asia’s largest slum. Living in such conditions exposes residents to unsanitary and overcrowded environments, putting them at constant risk of disease. Unfortunately, due to poverty and lack of assistance from the government, most people in slums struggle to find better housing.

Shreya was thrilled to learn what her father had planned. Rather than spending the money on a one-day event, Manoj decided to build lasting homes for the local homeless community in the Aurangabad region of Maharashtra. On her wedding day in 2016, Shreya and her husband visited the development site where her father had built 90 homes. They were proud to officially inaugurate the new housing development and were able to give a precious gift that meant more than anything they could have received themselves – a key to a new home for each of the 90 families.

While the homes may be small, they are mansions compared to the makeshift roofs over their heads that these families had endured for years. And for the first time, they now have access to basic utilities like electricity and running water. Manoj had set three criteria for selecting the house recipients: they needed to be poor, living in a slum, and not suffering from addiction.

Although it may seem like a small number compared to the vast housing needs in India, the impact on these 90 families is immeasurable. Manoj’s selfless act has profoundly and positively affected hundreds of lives. This inspiring example should encourage other wealthy individuals to reconsider how they can use their money to make a difference rather than indulging in lavish weddings.

It’s astounding to see how the funds designated for one extravagant celebration could instead transform the lives of families forever. Manoj’s generous act is truly commendable. Let us know how you feel about this inspiring story, and be sure to share it with your family and friends. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.