Some people have done strange things to ruin weddings. Some netizens confessed how they, or people they know, ruined some people’s big days.

Ever wondered how one person’s special day could turn into a comedic tragedy? Welcome to the wild world of wedding catastrophes where not everything goes to plan, thanks to some unforgettable guests. Buckle up; this rollercoaster of ruin is as hilarious as it is horrifying.

1. My Father-in-Law Didn’t Get My Name Right

Imagine standing at your wedding only to hear your new name pronounced completely wrong. This happened to one unfortunate bride whose father-in-law couldn’t stop calling her by her husband’s ex-girlfriend’s name. Yes, you read that right. Alyssa, you’ve got competition from beyond high school.

2. The Mashed Potatoes

Drunkenly praising mashed potatoes during a wedding speech, anyone? One brother couldn’t help entertaining the guests with a speech that ended with him singing hymns to the glorious mashed potatoes. Honestly, we’ve heard of heartfelt toasts, but edible tributes? Squishy perfection!

3. Someone Stole My Marriage License

What’s a wedding without a bit of family drama, right? Imagine the bride’s horror when she discovered her marriage license had disappeared, only to later find out her mom took it. Over gum. Because brisket. Because weddings.

4. I Had No Idea I Was Ruining the Wedding

Navigating wedding logistics can be tricky, but it gets tricky-trickier when you end up with the bride under the starlit sky by the riverbank. Only to find out she’s, well, the BRIDE. Missing the ceremonial beats and an unexpected scandal? Check.

5. My Aunt’s Wedding

Sometimes, even the most adorable flower girl can be the unintended showstopper. One tiny tot couldn’t help but let out an exasperated yawn during the objection part of a wedding, causing raucous laughter and an unexpected golden shower. Ah, kids—they never fail to amaze.

6. My Mother-in-Law Ruined My Big Day

If you think hairdo dramas are a myth, think again. One bride had the uncomfortable pleasure of seeing her MIL turn up at her wedding with identical hair. Ouch! And the unexpected wrestle on ceremonial grounds? That’s not the type of entertainment one envisions for their big day.

7. My Wedding

Chaos ensued when playful kids hit the wedding scene. A simple tag game turned into a dramatic yelling contest involving a grown man and a little girl. Add to that sporadic bursts of uncouth bragging—nothing says wedding like uninvited drama.

8. My Father’s Fiancée

When wedding guests range from the ultra-respectful to pizza-ordering rebels, things are bound to go off the rails. Especially when one of them throws a tantrum over too many bodies. The romance of nuptials barely stands a chance against a rampant meltdown.

9. One Woman Had Issues

Jealousy at a wedding? Pure comic gold. A meltdown over a groomsman getting photographed with a bridesmaid escalated into a public screaming match. Sometimes, demonstrating possessiveness results in an outdoor reprimand and an impromptu exit. Elegant, indeed.

10. So Many Things

An unexpected hoodie guest, a bridesmaid with a wailing fate, and a frustrated DJ—what’s a nuptial without slipping into pandemonium? The bride’s life-long memory etched with an awkward ‘hit it!’ combined with a flood of denied speeches.

11. Crazy Mother-in-Law

Loved ones often add flavors to wedding tales, but some take it as an opportunity for passive aggression. An allergic bride realized that her MIL had sneakily added fish to her salad, sending her straight into an ambulance. Talk about conniving plots and serving lawsuits before love!

Ah, weddings. They’re the stuff of fairy tales until they’re not. If you think it’s all glitz and glam, you might want to watch out for those unexpected guests—everyone’s got a role, whether they’re aware or not. Here’s a pro tip from your sassy narrator: After a fiasco like this, remember to stand up, brush off the confetti, and hope the video didn’t catch too much.