A universal love of music can bring us together in ways we’d never imagine. It can make the burliest of us all turn into soft-hearted artists, right there on the job site. And when this hidden passion surfaces, the Internet can’t get enough.

Let’s talk about one such moment that left people stunned. You know, the kind of moment you think is strictly reserved for Hollywood magic. Picture this: a painter named Archie Gould, in all his worksite glamor—paint-streaked clothes and all—sitting down at a piano during lunch break. What happens next? Absolute magic.

Imagine the typical construction site sounds: drills, hammers, and the chirpy chit-chat of coworkers. Amidst this cacophony, in walks Archie Gould. By all accounts, he seems like your average painter, perhaps a little rough around the edges, brimming with that blue-collar charm. But then, something unexpected happens. Out of nowhere, a piano comes into play. A baby grand, no less!

Well, thanks to modern technology, one savvy coworker caught the entire scene on video and shared it with the world via Instagram. It wasn’t just any Instagram account either—it was Dust-to-Digital, a haven for people who appreciate the finer (often unexpected) things in life.

There he was in Edmonton, Alberta, at the Stanley Milner Library. Archie laid his paintbrush aside, sat at the piano, and began to play Lou Ni’s arrangement of Bach’s Prelude No. 2 in G Minor. His fingers danced across the keys with an elegance and skill few could match. It was a sight and sound that sent chills down spines.

A post shared by Dust-to-Digital (@dusttodigital)

As he played, it became abundantly clear that this wasn’t a fleeting hobby or mere curiosity for Archie. No, this was raw, unfiltered talent bursting forth in the most surprising of places. And let’s face it, who doesn’t love a good example of “don’t judge a book by its cover”? Archie might look like any other painter, but his talent was nothing short of jaw-dropping.

So, remember folks, the next time you see someone doing a job that seems all too ordinary, pause for a moment. That person may be harboring an extraordinary talent, just waiting for the perfect moment to shine. And if you’re lucky enough to witness it, hit record. You just might be capturing the Internet’s next sensation.