We’ve all been told that trying to please everyone is a recipe for disaster. And as an anonymous Reddit member recently discovered, this wisdom holds true even in the most unexpected situations.

The user in question had achieved remarkable success in life, setting them apart from other members of their family. Each time they returned to their hometown, they made it a point to treat their family to a dinner, a kind and generous gesture to express their love and gratitude.

But on this particular occasion, things took an unexpected turn. The user’s mother informed them about a family gathering at a high-end steakhouse, with over 20 people in attendance, including individuals they had barely spoken to in the past. And to make matters worse, the other guests had already ordered expensive steaks, ranging from $80 to $250 per person. All of this without any consultation, and the user was expected to foot the bill for this lavish meal.

Feeling taken advantage of, the user reached a breaking point. They left $100 on the table and boldly declared, “I’m not paying for dinner.” This firm statement reflected their frustration and sense of unfairness, even if storming out of the restaurant may not have been the ideal solution.

Unfortunately, the aftermath of this incident was far from pleasant. The user’s phone was bombarded with messages, mainly from their mother. Despite recognizing that their reaction might not have been perfect, the user felt hurt and betrayed by their family’s actions.

In an attempt to make amends, the user eventually reached out to their mother to apologize and extend an olive branch. But instead of reconciliation, they were met with accusations of selfishness and greed, leaving them even more disheartened.

Faced with the lack of appreciation from their family, the user made the difficult decision to cut off financial assistance. They canceled various services and distanced themselves from family events, including a cousin’s wedding. The lack of gratitude had finally taken its toll, and the user had to prioritize their own well-being.

Reddit users overwhelmingly supported the user’s decision, labeling them as “NTA” (not the asshole). They agreed that the user’s family had crossed a line and that their reaction was entirely justified. Some even believed that the user’s mother owed them a significant apology.

So, what do you think? Do you believe that the user did the right thing by standing up for themselves? It’s certainly a tough situation, and the user’s response underscores the importance of setting boundaries and demanding respect. We’d love to hear your thoughts!