During the Wednesday episode of The View on ABC, long-time host Joy Behar, 80, told Whoopi Goldberg that she was “happy” when she was fired from the show back in 2013.

Behar had been one of the original hosts of The View when it first appeared on television back in 1997 and was inexplicably fired from the talk show in 2013. However, she was brought back to the program just two years later.

The topic of Behar’s firing was brought up because the women on the show wanted to discuss an interview that Behar gave to Time Magazine last year. In the interview, she explained that she was “happy” to be fired from The View.

When Behar was fired from The View, she didn’t take it personally. Throughout her long career in television and Hollywood, she has faced numerous setbacks but has always managed to bounce back.

In her Time Magazine interview, Behar said, “I was glad to be fired from The View. I was basically sick of the show at that point for some reason. I don’t even remember why.”

During Wednesday’s episode of The View, Behar defended herself by saying, “I always have friends where I work, and if I don’t have friends at the job, I will not keep the job. So, when I was fired last time from this show, people said to me, ‘Were you okay with that?’ and my answer is, I was happy because all my friends had left already. So, there was no reason to stay anymore. I mean it.”

Whoopi Goldberg, who was a co-host of The View at the time Behar was fired, jokingly responded, “Really? All your friends left?” Goldberg then pretended to cry before adding, “It’s okay. I’m cool.”

Behar clarified her statement by saying, “You had just come on, and my backstage friends had left. And I don’t like to work when I don’t have friends.”

Goldberg was initially offended by Behar’s comment, but she quickly clarified that she was only “teasing” Behar about her words. Goldberg assured Behar that they had been friends for a long time before becoming co-hosts on The View in 2013.

Behar confirmed in a 2017 interview with People Magazine that she was fired from The View in 2013 and that it was not her choice to leave the show. She stated, “Somebody wanted me gone. It was not 100 percent my choice. When they told me they weren’t renewing, I said, ‘Good, I’m out of here.’ I didn’t like the way the show was going at that time.”

Despite facing insults, Behar has a laid-back attitude and doesn’t hold grudges. According to Sunny Hosting, another host of The View, Behar doesn’t remember what happened the day before and doesn’t let insults affect her. She simply shrugs them off and moves on to the next day with a calm demeanor.