Known for her stunning looks and unique sense of style, Dolly Parton recently shared her secret to always looking fabulous and being prepared for whatever life may throw at her. In a candid interview with RuPaul, she revealed the reason behind her fashionable choices and how they contribute to her overall confidence and readiness.

RuPaul’s comment about Parton always being glamorous may have been light-hearted, but it sparked a deeper conversation. Parton explained that dressing nicely is not just about vanity, but also about being prepared for unexpected situations, such as illnesses or emergencies. She emphasized the importance of always being “ready to go,” just like being “street ready.”

While RuPaul may effortlessly exude glamour, Parton takes a more practical approach. She keeps her makeup and hair toned down, always looking her best but remaining true to herself. Parton sees her clothing choices as a way to boost her confidence and be comfortable in her own skin. “I dress for myself more than for others,” she shared.

Parton’s dedication to always looking good goes beyond appearance. It is a way for her to present herself as her best self and maintain her carefully crafted image, even in unexpected situations. She values her fans and wants to be an inspiration to them.

So, let’s take a moment to appreciate Dolly Parton for her glamorous and ready-for-anything attitude. It’s not about impressing others, but about embracing our confidence and staying true to who we are. The next time you put on your favorite outfit or take care of your appearance, remember that you’re not alone. Dolly Parton shines alongside you, reminding us all to always be prepared.