Imagine being at the crossroads of choosing between your own happiness and the needs of your family. Sounds dramatic, right? But that’s precisely the situation Jane found herself in. Torn between prioritizing her own well-being or sacrificing it for her daughter-in-law and granddaughter, every decision felt like walking a tightrope.

Jane had been married to Dave for over 35 years. Yes, 35 long years! But five years ago, Dave decided to take a detour with a younger woman. Classy, right? Naturally, this devastated Jane. After what must have felt like a lifetime of pondering, Jane decided enough was enough. Staying in a marriage without respect? Not her style. So she packed her bags and waved goodbye to a relationship that no longer served her.

Now, this wasn’t one of those movie scenes where the protagonist finds instant joy. Oh no, it was hard. Think about it—two grown kids and a shattered heart. Yet, Jane did what many might see as brave—she started over.

After the initial thunderstorm of emotions settled, Jane slowly found her groove again. She dusted off old hobbies, forged new friendships, and heck, she even started dating. For the first time in what seemed like eons, Jane was living for herself. Cue the triumphant background music!

But as life would have it, just when things seemed perfect, it threw Jane another curveball. Her son Tim, all of 32 years old, with his wife Emily, 29, and their adorable 4-year-old daughter Lily, came knocking on her door. After losing his job a year ago, Tim was struggling. Emily, bless her heart, was juggling multiple jobs, trying to make ends meet.