Ah, the joys of homeownership. You’ve got the glittering allure of DIY projects, the thrill of unexpected maintenance costs, and—wait—what’s that smell? Fish, in your house, and not the kind you get from the market. Before you grab the air freshener, hold up!

Katie Rose Dugger’s tale will make you think twice about dismissing that fishy odor. She took to Facebook to spill the tea on something that could save you from a nightmare. Her son’s room started to reek of fish, and no, they didn’t accidentally leave a tuna sandwich under the bed.

Katie did what any reasonable person would do: she conducted a forensic-level deep clean. A mad hunt through toy boxes, clothes piles, and possibly even under the bed yielded absolutely nothing. The fishy invader remained elusive.

Out of frustration and a touch of desperation, Katie turned to Google—because who trusts their gut when you have the internet, right? What she found sent a chill down her spine.

According to her search, a fishy odor can mean just one thing: melting plastic, likely from your electrical outlets. Dun dun dun! Intrigued and somewhat panicked, Katie inspected the outlets in her son’s room. Lo and behold, one of the outlets was practically auditioning to be a marshmallow on a campfire stick. The plugs were melting like ice cream on a hot day.

Panic mode initiated, she called an electrician faster than you can say