So, here’s the deal: If you think new clothes are sparkling clean, ready to wear straight from the store, think again. Picture this: you’re happily flipping through a clothing rack, imagining yourself in a fabulous new outfit. But suddenly, out of nowhere, you stumble upon something straight out of a horror movie. Welcome to Ellen Danz’s world. Ellen, a TikTok enthusiast, made a terrifying discovery that will make you want to wash every new piece of clothing as soon as it enters your home.

Wandering through one unsuspecting shop, Ellen found garments infested with cobwebs. And if that wasn’t gross enough, there were also spider eggs. Yup, you read that right – spider eggs nestled into the fabric of our potential new attire. But wait, there’s more! As she reached the end of the clothing rack, she found herself virtually face-to-face with a massively creepy spider. The stuff of nightmares, isn’t it?

The Video That Shook The Internet

Ellen’s blood-curdling scream was heard around the internet, making everyone rethink their shopping habits. Some were so horrified that they practically needed an emergency therapy session. One TikTok user humorously remarked, “I’d sue for emotional distress.” Another user bravely admitted, “This is why you should clean your clothes after buying.” If a giant spider emerging from your new jeans doesn’t motivate you to do laundry, I don’t know what will.

How TikTok Reacted

People were also rather stunned at how Ellen handled this ghastly situation. “Why are you touching the spiderwebs?” one user wrote, probably cringing as they typed. Another was more direct: “You’re brave for touching that OMG.” Now, this entire ordeal had viewers buzzing, debating, and possibly throwing their new purchases directly into the washer without a second thought.

For Ellen’s followers worried about the chance of facing this retail horror story, she had some reassuring news. In a follow-up video, she let everyone know the store location shut down shortly after her horrifying find. “Don’t worry about shopping at this location, it shut down a week later,” she said. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean you’re entirely safe from such creepy surprises elsewhere.

One can only wonder why no one had done anything about those lurking arachnids earlier. The general consensus involved equal parts fascination and horror as viewers speculated on whether pest control should have been called immediately. A TikTok user asked the simple yet thought-provoking question: “WHY DID YOU NOT KILL IT?” Good question, indeed.

So the moral of this cautionary tale? For the love of all things clean and un-crawly, wash your new clothes before you wear them. A thorough laundry cycle could save you from an unexpected showdown with a clan of spiders nested in your fresh-out-of-the-store outfit.

Daily stories that make you smile, think, laugh, and cry a little.