At the age of 66, Adriana Iliescu’s life took an extraordinary turn. On January 16, 2005, she finally fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a mother. While most people her age would be enjoying retirement or spending time with their grandchildren, Iliescu embarked on the incredible journey of raising her daughter, Eliza.

Iliescu, a Romanian university teacher, philologist, and children’s book author, made history in January 2005 when she gave birth to Eliza at the Giulesti Maternity Hospital in Bucharest. At that time, she became the oldest birth mother in the world, earning herself a Guinness World Record. Through the marvels of in-vitro fertilization, Iliescu was able to have her daughter, with Eliza being her biological child.

Even though Iliescu’s record was later surpassed, her story continues to captivate the world. Despite the challenges of being an older mother, Iliescu and her now-teenage daughter are leading a happy life. They have also been open about preparing for the future as Iliescu continues to age.

Financially, Iliescu and Eliza rely on a modest pension of just over $280 a month, supplemented by additional income from Iliescu’s part-time work as a university professor. Although they don’t have the support of close family or friends, they have the unwavering support of Eliza’s godfather—the IVF doctor who played a pivotal role in bringing her into the world.

Having taken on motherhood at the age of 66, Iliescu was well-prepared for this new chapter in her life. She maintains her physical health and has never suffered from any illnesses. Iliescu doesn’t smoke or drink, and she believes that if she lives as long as her parents did, Eliza will be 20 when she passes away. While acknowledging the challenges, she is grateful for the opportunity to be a mother and to give Eliza the love she deserves.

Although some strangers may refer to Iliescu as “granny” while they are out together, she has never experienced any prejudice. In fact, having children is highly admired in Romania—a sentiment that has provided Iliescu with a supportive environment.

Iliescu understands the importance of planning for the future, ensuring that Eliza will have the resources to become independent and care for herself. As she looks back on her journey to motherhood, Iliescu reflects, “Having a child is a wonderful thing. To think that you haven’t lived for nothing.” Eliza, now 17, has dreams of attending college in the future.

Adriana Iliescu’s extraordinary journey is a testament to the limitless power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. Her story is an inspiration to all, proving that age should never be a barrier to pursuing one’s dreams.