We live in a time where some people feel that things are changing for the worse. One area where this change is evident is in the way men and women treat each other. A recent incident involving a woman and a crowded subway shed light on this issue.

This woman posted a now-deleted video of herself on a subway, with a caption stating that “chivalry is dead.” The video went on to question why men no longer offer their seats to women. However, when the camera panned to the inside of the carriage, it revealed multiple men comfortably seated without offering their seats to her. This sparked a debate about chivalry that still continues.

While the original video may be gone, it quickly spread to various social media platforms, prompting people to voice their opinions. Some argue that the lack of chivalry is a result of women fighting for equality and independence. They see the equality they sought as a possible reason for not receiving chivalrous gestures.

Others point out that the woman should have arrived on time to secure her own seat. A TikTok user, @saraeatonontiktok, questioned the woman’s actions, wondering why she was recording and zooming in on random men without their consent. The issue of consent became a significant part of the discussion.

Men also shared their perspectives on the matter. Many stated that they would still offer their seat to women who were elderly, disabled, or heavily pregnant. However, in other situations, they believe in standing up for their right to be treated as equals.

This video has ignited a heated and ongoing debate about chivalry in our modern society. It seems that this topic is one that will continue to be discussed for some time to come.