Woman Identifies As A Dog As She Eats Dog Food And Has 'Handlers' Who Care For Her Every Need

We live in a world that is constantly evolving, where people have the freedom to express themselves in unique and unconventional ways. One such person who has gained a following on social media is Meow, a woman who identifies as a dog.

Meow’s online presence showcases her dedication to living her life as a Dalmatian. She even streams her experiences on Twitch, a popular gaming platform. Meow openly discusses her daily routines as a dog, which includes sleeping in a crate, indulging in dog treats, and relying on appointed “handlers” to assist her.

When it comes to sleep, Meow finds comfort in her confined space, surrounded by pastel blankets and pillows. It gives her a sense of security and allows her to escape from the outside world. In her own words, “It feels comforting for sure!”

While many people wonder about Meow’s relationships, she explains that her handlers are not romantic partners. Instead, they are like dog trainers who take care of her needs. They feed her, take her on walks, and even engage in training exercises, which she particularly enjoys because it involves receiving treats.

Meow’s diet includes jerky, shredded chicken, and dog biscuits, but she also occasionally consumes dog food, adding her own flavors to enhance the experience. Despite her unique lifestyle, Meow remains in touch with her primal instincts, living in the present moment and focusing on her own happiness rather than worrying about others’ opinions.

For Meow, embracing this dog persona is not limited to one aspect of her life. It permeates every aspect, allowing her to fully immerse herself and perform as a dedicated dog. This lifestyle has become an integral part of her identity, shaping her interactions and experiences.

Woman with Dog