Whether or not you believe in life after death, the incredible story of Valerie Paters will undoubtedly make you question what truly happens when we leave this world.

In March 2020, Valerie’s life took a devastating turn when she was involved in a horrific accident with a semi-truck. Her car was crushed under the weight of the massive vehicle, and her injuries were severe. First responders on the scene held little hope for her survival.

When Valerie arrived at the hospital, her family was given grim news – her chances of survival were slim. The doctors couldn’t detect any brain activity. It seemed as though Valerie was at the brink of death.

But her family and church community weren’t ready to give up. United in prayer, they pleaded with God for a miracle. Valerie’s sister, Cheryl, clung to her faith and recited Psalm 118:17, which states, “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.”

Little did Cheryl know that her prayer would be answered in the most extraordinary way.

While Valerie’s loved ones anxiously waited for her to recover, she experienced something truly remarkable. According to Valerie, she had a heavenly encounter. She described being enveloped in a radiant light and being warmly welcomed by Jesus Himself.

In awe of the overwhelming love she felt from Jesus, Valerie exclaimed, “I felt like I was finally home…like I stepped into, finally, I belong.” She was deeply moved by the fact that Jesus loved her unconditionally, not based on her actions or performance, but simply because she was herself.

Valerie’s words astonished everyone who heard them. She even shared the message she received when Jesus instructed her to return to Earth.

To learn more about this miraculous story, watch the video below. And please share it with your family and friends on Facebook. It’s a story that will inspire and uplift hearts of all ages.