What would you do if you found out that your landlord had passed away? Would you have to find a new place to live? These were the questions that 75-year-old Jane Sayner faced when her landlord, multimillionaire John Perrett, died. But instead of having to move out, Jane received some unexpected news – she now owned the home she had been renting for more than twenty years.

Jane had been paying $250 a week to rent a two-bedroom apartment in St. Albans, Melbourne, Australia. It was her cozy little place that she had called home for decades. She had always been a good tenant, paying her rent on time and taking care of the property. Little did she know that her landlord, John Perrett, had taken notice of her loyalty and friendship.

In September 2020, John Perrett passed away. He was a generous man who had decided to leave a large portion of his $18.6 million fortune to the Nephrology Department of the Royal Melbourne Hospital. But he also had a special gift for Jane. She was one of the two long-term tenants who were left properties in his will.

Jane was surprised when John called her one day asking for her full name. It didn’t make sense to her at the time, but little did she know that John had decided to leave her the two-bedroom apartment she had been calling home for so long. It was his way of saying thank you for her friendship and for taking care of the place as if it were her own.

Over the years, Jane had made the apartment her own. She had planted a beautiful garden and added her own personal touch to every corner. John had even brought her old pots from his father, encouraging her to keep growing plants and making the place feel more like home. Their relationship went beyond that of just landlord and tenant – they were friends.

Losing John was undoubtedly a difficult experience for Jane, but knowing that she now owned the home brought her a sense of relief. She could continue living in the place she loved, surrounded by the memories she had created over the years.

Jane’s story is a reminder that sometimes unexpected blessings can come our way. One day she was a renter, and the next she became a homeowner. It’s a heartwarming tale that shows the power of friendship and the kindness of others.