We all have secrets, but some are so dark that we keep them hidden from the people closest to us. It’s a secret we plan to take to the grave. In the following story, a man’s secret unraveled in a way that nobody could have predicted.

During my second pregnancy, I noticed that my emotions were heightened. At first, I thought it was just an old superstition, but then something happened that proved it true. It had nothing to do with my baby, but everything to do with my husband.

While I spent most of my pregnancy indulging in junk food cravings and wanting to hide away, my best friend Ava had different plans. She wanted to spend time together and get me out of the house. As she made me a strawberry milkshake and suggested going to a pottery place, I was less than enthusiastic. There were a hundred other things I’d rather do.

But Ava convinced me by saying we could create things for my baby’s nursery. Reluctantly, I agreed, with the condition that she owed me a favor for any pregnancy cravings that night. We made plans for my husband Malcolm to watch our daughter Tess for the evening.

When we arrived at the pottery place, we found ourselves among 15 other women looking to unwind and have some fun. The atmosphere was lively as we started chatting about birth stories. One woman shared a story about her boyfriend leaving suddenly because his sister-in-law went into labor on the same day as their date. It hit close to home because my daughter Tess was also born on that same day, and my name is Olivia.

As the woman continued her story, she mentioned that her boyfriend’s name was Malcolm. It sent chills down my spine. I showed her a picture of Malcolm, Tess, and myself on my phone’s screensaver, and she confirmed that he was the father of her child too. My heart sank as the room started to spin. Not only had my husband cheated on me, but he had also fathered a child with this woman.

Overwhelmed with emotions, I excused myself and left the gathering, tears streaming down my face. In the bathroom, I tried to collect my thoughts. I knew I had to confront Malcolm before our baby arrived in five weeks. I needed to know how to move forward.

Reluctantly, Malcolm admitted to his affair and the child he had fathered. Now, I find myself eating chocolate and researching divorce lawyers. I refuse to let this situation fester and bring my baby into this mess.

Sometimes, secrets have a way of coming to light, and it’s up to us to face them head-on, no matter how difficult it may be.